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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • This handout describes the benefits of performing examinations at home between regularly scheduled veterinary visits. It outlines the different parts of the body to examine, how to examine and what to look for as abnormals.

  • Grooming a cat can be a challenge to many people. Depending on coat/hair type, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors, some cats will need different levels of grooming care than others. A well-groomed cat is a sign of overall good health, and regular grooming can help you notice problems early on.

  • Grooming your dog can be a fun chore or a challenging one for many people. Depending on coat/hair type, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors, some dogs will need different levels of grooming care than others. A well-groomed dog is a sign of overall good health.

  • Hookworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos gancho son parásitos intestinales de los gatos y los perros. Se llaman de está forma porque sus partes bucales tienen forma de gancho. Usan estas partes para anclarse a la pared de los intestinos. Miden sólo unos 2 o 3 mm (1/8) de largo y son tan pequeños de diámetro que apenas pueden verse a simple vista. Los parásitos gancho se alimentan de los tejidos y sangre del huésped.

  • Bad breath (halitosis) is caused by bacteria, plaque, tartar, decomposing food particles, or death of tissue. Treatment of halitosis in cats involves eliminating the cause(s). The teeth need to be thoroughly cleaned and polished under general anesthesia. Teeth affected by advanced periodontal disease or tooth resorption need to be extracted. Reducing the accumulation of plaque, tartar, and resulting halitosis can be achieved by using VOHC-accepted products.

  • Bad breath (halitosis) is caused by bacteria, plaque, and tartar. Once halitosis occurs, professional veterinary oral prevention, assessment, and treatment is needed. Teeth affected by advanced periodontal disease need to be extracted. Reducing the accumulation of plaque, tartar, and resulting halitosis can be achieved by using VOHC-accepted products.

  • Halloween can be fun for the whole family including pets but it can also be a scary or dangerous time for pets. Costumes, candy, and noises can cause multiple problems such as stress, poisoning, and anxiety that may cause them to run away or react aggressively. Keep them in mind when planning your holiday and talk to your veterinarian if you need help with anxiety issues.

  • Head halters can provide better control and safety for some dogs. A proper fit with gentle leash handling and positive reinforcement training is required to make a head halter successful. Some dogs may find the head halters aversive, which means it is not the right tool for them.

  • Guinea pigs can be hardy and easy to care for when provided an appropriate environment for their unique needs. Like all animals, guinea pigs are susceptible to certain problems and diseases. This handout outlines the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for some of the more common health problems of guinea pigs.

  • Rodents commonly develop certain health problems, including rabies (unlikely in pet rodents housed inside), hair barbering, foot necrosis, vitamin C deficiency, heat stroke, antibiotic toxicity, chromodacryorrhea, diarrhea, bone fractures, bacterial skin infections (dermatitis), and seizures.