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Behavior & Training

  • Helping Dogs with Severe Phobias During Storms and Fireworks

    Los medicamentos pueden ser útiles en algunos casos, pero sólo puede prescribirlos un veterinario. No hay que olvidar que deben administrarse para que su efecto se manifieste ANTES de que empiece el ruido o la reacción de pánico del animal. Por norma general, se administran al menos una hora antes del acontecimiento.

  • Fears and Phobias in Dogs: Animals and People

    Hay muchas razones por las que los perros desarrollan miedo a personas y a otros animales. En primer lugar, hay que recordar que la socialización durante el desarrollo del cachorro es esencial. Si el perro no ha recibido interacciones positivas, constantes y adecuadas con personas y otros animales, es probable que tenga reacciones de miedo en el futuro.

  • Fear of Noises in Dogs

    Los miedos y fobias se pueden desarrollar a partir de una sola experiencia (shock condicionado) o a partir de una exposición continuada a un estímulo que provoca miedo. Hay perros que presentan síntomas leves, como ir de un lado a otro o jadear, y otros que muestran mayor agitación y pueden llegar a manifestar conductas destructivas y mostrar reacciones de pánico.

  • Fears, Phobias, and Anxiety in Cats and Dogs

    El miedo es una respuesta fisiológica, conductual y emocional a determinados estímulos que recibe un animal. La reacción fisiológica provoca un aumento de las frecuencias cardíaca y respiratoria (jadeo), sudoración, temblores, movimientos compulsivos y, en ocasiones, micción y defecación involuntarias.

  • Reducing Fear and Stress with Desensitization and Counterconditioning

    El contra-condicionamiento y la desensibilización sistemática son formas muy eficaces de cambiar las conductas. Generalmente se usa una combinación de ambas técnicas para reducir ciertos comportamientos (miedos, excitación, agresión) asociados a situaciones específicas.

  • Most cats settle into a new home fairly easily. They crave familiarity, so it is best to bring along many familiar objects, such as litter boxes and favored furniture. Cats must be initially secured to prevent their escape, as they may attempt to return to a prior home and could be lost or injured along the way. It is best to introduce your cat to your new home gradually and with supervision.

  • Most dogs seem to take moving in stride, if they are with are with their familiar social group. Try to anticipate changes in the dog’s routine and introduce the changes prior to the move. Familiarize your dog with any novel noises that might be associated with the new home. If there will be new pets or people in the new home, arrange introductions ahead of time in a neutral location. When you arrive at your new home, give your dog plenty of time to adjust before trying to leave him alone.

  • In an emergency situation, a dog that can easily wear a muzzle can be easily and safely handled. Dogs may show aggressive behavior when frightened or in pain and having a muzzle ensures that no one will be injured and that your dog will be able to be taken to the hospital. Muzzles can also be helpful as part of treatment for behavioral conditions such as fear-based aggression.

  • Picky eaters are often created by their humans offering too much variety of food. Cats can become picky eaters for medical reasons that need to be determined by your veterinarian. It is safe for an otherwise healthy cat to not eat for a few days; beyond this however, they can develop a possibly fatal condition called hepatic lipidosis. To decrease pickiness, having food available for only 30 minutes4-5 times a day can be beneficial. Human food should not be used as a diet as it will lead to nutrient deficiencies. Certain foods are okay to mix with cat food to make them more appealing but check with veterinarian before including these in your dog’s diet. Many cats work on their own schedule and prefer to eat very small amounts frequently (grazing).

  • Picky eaters are often created by their humans offering too much variety of food. It is safe for an otherwise healthy dog to not eat for up to a week. To decrease pickiness, having food available for only 15-30 minutes 2-3 times a day can be beneficial. Human food should not be used as a diet as it will lead to nutrient deficiencies. Certain foods are okay to mix with dog food to make them more appealing but check with your veterinarian before including these in your dog’s diet. Many dogs are not programmed to eat every day.